Struggling with Acne? SilkeySkin in Kaysville, UT Can Help!

Acne can be difficult to handle on your own but Dr. SIlkey has the right treatment options for you.

When it comes to fighting acne many people turn to over-the-counter products. It’s usually the first line of defense because it’s the simplest measure anyone can take to try to get their acne under control. But what happens when these products don’t work? How do you know it’s time to visit our Kaysville, UT, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jacqueline Silkey for treatment? Let’s find out!

It may be time to consult Dr. Silkey if:

  • Over-the-counter acne products aren’t working despite giving them up to eight weeks to work
  • You are dealing with severe or widespread acne
  • You feel embarrassed or self-conscious because of your acne
  • Your acne is getting worse
  • You are noticing scars as a result of your acne

What We Can Do About Acne

When you come into our Kaysville, UT, office for a consultation, Dr. Silkey will examine your skin and determine the cause of your acne. We will also ask you specific questions regarding your acne and the symptoms you are experiencing to help us make a diagnosis. Based on the cause of your acne we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Medication is a common option when it comes to treating acne. This medication may be oral or topical. Common topical acne medications include key ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and retinoids. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to kill acne-causing bacteria and to reduce inflammation. If your acne symptoms are due to hormones then birth control pills may also be prescribed to lessen acne flare-ups.

Along with medication we also offer specific therapies tailored to reducing and even eliminating your acne. Here at Silkey SkinMD we offer Levulan, a phototherapy treatment that can be used to treat severe facial and body acne. Levulan is a great option for those with stubborn acne that isn’t responding to other treatment options. This light therapy is painless and non-invasive and can destroy acne while also reducing the appearance of acne scars for a significantly smoother appearance.

During therapy, a special solution is applied and left on the skin for up to 60 minutes. Then a blue light is directed over the skin for several minutes to activate the solution. This solution coupled with this special laser is enough to kill the bacteria that cause deep and often painful cystic acne.

For the best results, it’s recommended that patients receive two or three Levulan treatment sessions over the course of 2-3 weeks. Those with severe acne may require up to six sessions in order to see optimal results.

Are you dealing with stubborn and severe acne? If so, then it’s time to turn to Silkey SkinMD in Kaysville, UT, to find out if Levulan phototherapy is the right treatment option for you.